Jesus Asks for Nine First Fridays and Saturdays In a Message of Jesus Christ to Sister Natalia in Hungary, He requests all to pray the Double Great Novena to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for nine consecutive First Fridays and First Saturdays. All know about the devotion of the nine consecutive First Fridays. Few know about the Five Consecutive First Saturdays. And very few know of the Nine Consecutive First Fridays and the Nine Consecutive First Saturdays. As in Paray-le-Monial, France, and Fatima, a private revelation to Sister Natalia received the Imprimatur from the local bishop in Hungary. Jesus: "As the Father entrusted all things to Me, so I give My victorious power over the world and sin to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother." "Through My daughter (Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque), I gave the world great promises, but because of My infinite Goodness, now, I give much more. If people wish to gain the benefits of My promises, they must love and venerate the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. The greatest sign of this veneration will be to receive Holy Communion on Nine Consecutive First Saturdays, and in the same way, on Nine Consecutive First Fridays, after a preparation and a true repentance. Their intentions must be to console My Heart and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother." Sister Natalia: "When Our Lord told me the first time about these First Saturdays, I did not realize that the Blessed Virgin at Fatima asked for only Five First Saturdays, in comparison with the Nine First Saturdays mentioned in the Messages I received. Consequently, the authorities of the Church wanted me to ask the Savior why He asked for nine, while Mary asked for only five. The Divine Savior replied: "The request of My Mother for Five Saturdays is a sign of Her humility and consequently, She did not consider Herself worthy of receiving a devotion that is equal to Mine. My request is a sign of My love, I cannot bear the idea of demanding more for Me than for My Mother who is united with Me in Love." "Hence, I understood that Jesus would have us make reparation for Nine Saturdays because He had demanded for Himself, to Saint Margaret Mary, Nine First Fridays." To make a good Novena, follow these suggestions: Prepare yourself with true repentance, if possible go to Confession. Receive Holy Communion on both days (First Friday and First Saturday) The intentions of the Novena must be "to console My Heart and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother." THE 33 PROMISES OF JESUS TO THOSE WHO MAKE THE DOUBLE GREAT NOVENA All that they demand through the Heart of My Mother, provided that their requests are compatible with the Will of the Father, I will grant them during the novena. They will experience in every circumstance the extraordinary assistance of My Mother as well as Her blessings. Peace, harmony and love will reign in their souls and the souls of the members of their families. I will protect their families from scandals, disappointments, injustice. Married couples will remain together, and if one of the spouses left the home, he or she will come back. The members of their families will understand each other and persevere in the Faith. Expectant mothers will experience the special protection of My Mother and receive what they demand for themselves and their children. The poor will receive shelter and food. I will lead them to love prayer and suffering. They will learn to love God and their neighbors. The sinners will be converted without difficulty, even though somebody else makes this novena for them. The sinners will not fall back into their previous state. They will not only receive forgiveness for their sins, but also a perfect contrition and, through love, they will recover the innocence of their Baptism. Those who make this novena in the state of innocence of their Baptism (particularly the children) will not offend My Heart by a grave fault until the time of their death. The sinners who sincerely repent will not only escape Hell but also Purgatory. The lukewarm will become fervent believers; they will persevere and reach perfection and saintliness in no time. If parents or other members of a family make this novena, no member of that family will be condemned to Hell. Many young will be called to religious life, including the priesthood. Unbelievers will become believers, and those who wander without direction (Catholics who broke away) will return to the Church. Priests and religious will remain faithful to their vocation. The infidel will receive the grace of a sincere contrition and the possibility of returning to one's vocation. Parents and leaders will receive assistance for their spiritual and material needs. The body will be freed from the temptations of the world and from sin. The proud and the arrogant will become humble; the temperate will be burning with love. Fervent souls will experience the sweetness of prayer and sacrifice; they will never be tormented by anxiety or doubt. The dying will depart this world without agony and without the attacks of Satan. The dying will experience an immense desire for eternal life. So they will surrender to My Will and depart this life in the arms of My Mother. They will experience the extraordinary protection of My Mother on the day of the Last Judgement. They will receive the grace of sharing and relieving My suffering and that of My Mother. Those who endeavor to be perfect will obtain, as a privilege, the main virtues of My Mother: humility, love and purity. They will be accompanied by peace and certain inner and external joy during their lives, whether they are sick or healthy. The priests will receive the grace of living in the presence of My Mother without effort. Those who progress with Me in unity will receive the grace of experiencing this unity. They will know what it means: It does not mean that they will live longer, but that I will live within them. That is to say: I will love with their hearts, I will pray with their souls, I will speak with their tongues, I will serve with all their beings. They will experience that which is good, beautiful, holy, humble, simple, obedient, precious and admirable within them; It is Me, Me, the Almighty, the Infinite, the only Lord, the only Love. The souls of those who make this novena will be as radiant as the white lilies all around the Heart of My Mother in eternity. I, the Divine Lamb of God, united with My Father and the Holy Spirit, will always rejoice at seeing these souls who, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will obtain the glory of eternity. The souls of the priests will always progress in the Faith and virtue. The greatest promise of Mary: "The gates of Hell will be closed on the First Saturdays of each month. Nobody will go to Hell on those days. However, the gates of Purgatory will be open. So, many souls will be able to reach Heaven. It is the result of the merciful Love of My Son - it is the reward of these souls who venerate My Immaculate Heart." (January, March, May, July, September, November) A SON'S LOVE OUR MOTHER Sacred Heart of Jesus, You loved the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Own Mother, and You were always devoted to her. We too love our own mother. As we grow older, may the countless tears our mother shed for us, be replaced with unlimited joy as we gratefully remember to care for them with the love, the affection, the devotion, they so richly deserve. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your gift of love for us flow through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with love for our parents. THE MOTHERLESS Sacred Heart of Jesus, You always had the Immaculate Heart of Mary to love. Please help those who are without a mother's devotion. Help us not to take the loving presence of a mother for granted, and instead show our love, our appreciation, our gratitude, that the motherless may somehow share in our joy of a mother's love. We are born to love our mother who bore us, and expect the natural love of a mother to fill our hearts. But those who have lost their mothers, have no mother to love, no mothers to fill their hearts. Gift them with the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, may her love fill the void in their hearts. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your gift of love for us flow through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with love for our parents. THE ELDERLY Sacred Heart of Jesus, You taught us to love and respect the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Teach us to respect the elderly among us, that we may not lose patience with them, that we may be tolerant of their needs and their weaknesses. This world is a world of tears, and the elderly know this. May our love for them be their pillar of strength in the sunset of their years. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your gift of love for us flow through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with love for our parents. WAITING Sacred Heart of Jesus, You ask us to learn from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, whose love for You is absolute, without reserve. Many of her days and nights were spent patiently waiting for You. To Love You is to wait. So much of loving is waiting-waiting for a word, for a return, and hoping is hunger, and when we stop hungering, somehow love begins to die. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your gift of love for us flow through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with love for our parents. THE DYING Sacred Heart of Jesus, You felt the sword that pierced the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as your hearts were one on Calvary. When You carried your Cross and met Your Mother, You hid no sorrows from each other's eyes, and quietly suffered each other's agony into your wounded hearts. When we may be privileged to care for a dying loved one, grant that we may have the patience, the perseverance, the selflessness, in caring for them. And when the time comes for them to join You, grant us the fortitude, the acceptance, Your Holy Mother possessed. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your gift of love for us flow through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with love for our parents. YOUR MOTHER Sacred Heart of Jesus, You were conceived in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. No one loved Your Blessed Mother more than You. You made Mary the most beautiful and the greatest of all women. You have asked us to console her, to love her, to stand close to her and warm her suffering heart pierced by the sword. How sad it is for You to see Your Immaculate Mother so neglected by us. She who never ceases to pray for us, bringing You our sorrows, our cares, our joys. We imitate You dear Jesus, when we love your mother. Help us to love Mary the way we should. Sacred Heart of Jesus, let your gift of love for us flow through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with love for our parents. CONCLUDING PRAYER Loving Father, please provide us the means to console the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Help us to lead better lives. For our self-improvement, teach us to be devoted to our parents. May their examples of love shine through our own lives. May their examples of forgiveness teach us to treat others better. For pardon has the power to attract gratitude, and gratitude attracts love, and love is the path to You. Help us to attain the goodness of our parents in our hearts. We ask You this through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen CONSECRATION AND NOVENA PRAYER FIRST SATURDAY'S (January, March, May, July, September, November) A MOTHER'S LOVE JOY Immaculate Heart of Mary, your immense love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was the joyful love of a mother for her Son. How often we find joy, through the laughter of children, when we are least expecting it. Help us to cultivate the habit of happiness, that we may cheer and encourage others. Teach us who are less fortunate to rejoice in our difficulties, for these difficulties are a sure mark of God's love. Immaculate Heart of Mary, may we love the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the same love you had for him. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary inflame our hearts with love for all children. THE POOR Immaculate Heart of Mary, we beg you to ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to help our unfortunate poor. For those who have nothing to give their children today may have nothing tomorrow, show us how to help them, without being condescending. Ringing laughter is present even in hungry children, whose loving parents know that even in laughter the heart may grieve. Teach us who are blessed with more in life, to share not only our resources, but our love. For love does not only bring joy, it brings hope, and hope is the nourishment of the poor. Immaculate Heart of Mary, may we love the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the same love you had for him. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary inflame our hearts with love for all children. THE HANDICAPPED Immaculate Heart of Mary, through your love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we beg you to ask your loving Son to help the handicapped children of the world. The discarded children few acknowledge. Yet it is these unwanted children who make us feel very special because they stay with us when others have left. The handicapped give their smiles and their trust. They also give their tears. A smile can sometimes be so heroic when it blossoms through tears. Make us truly grateful for this rare gift of the unwanted child. With their infinite patience, their unending good humor, the handicapped are here for a purpose-to pour their love on us. May their handicaps transform into a spark of warmth and hope, that their acceptance of life may sow love and compassion in the hearts of others. Immaculate Heart of Mary, may we love the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the same love you had for him. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary inflame our hearts with love for all children. THE CHILDLESS Immaculate Heart of Mary, please ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to comfort all those who have no children of their own. Let us not hurt the childless by taking our own children for granted. May our love for our own children, lessen the loneliness of the childless. May their hearts find fulfillment and a sense of continuity in seeing the care we give our own children. Immaculate Heart of Mary, may we love the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the same love you had for him. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary inflame our hearts with love for all children. OUR CHILDREN Immaculate Heart of Mary, your heart was most like the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let the love in our hearts be an inspiration for our children all their lives. Do not let us impose upon them our own inhibitions, our own prejudices, disguised as wisdom and experience. Instead, let us show our love by words and by deeds, so that when they have children of their own, they can easily draw from their hearts, filled to overflowing with the treasures of tenderness of their parent's love. Immaculate Heart of Mary, may we love the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the same love you had for him. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary inflame our hearts with love for all children. MARY'S SON Immaculate Heart of Mary, your heart always beat as one with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Because of your great love for your Son, you suffered each torture, each indignity, each insult, hurled at His Most Sacred Heart. When Jesus willed to offer His life on the Cross, how you wished you could have died in your Son's place! May we lessen your pain by living life of love for others. With love we convert these thorns to spiritual roses, which we humbly offer to your Immaculate Heart. Immaculate Heart of Mary, may we love the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the same love you had for him. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary inflame our hearts with love for all children. CONCLUDING PRAYER Loving Father, please provide us the means to console the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Help us to lead better lives. For our self-improvement, teach us that we may emulate the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Help us to share with others the joy in our hearts. We ask You this, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. CONSECRATION AND NOVENA PRAYER FIRST FRIDAY'S (February, April, June, August, October, December) OUR LOVE LOVE FOR OTHERS Sacred Heart of Jesus, You are united with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We also wish our hearts to be united to your Holy Hearts. Dear Jesus teach us how to love. When we do not love others, we wrongly think we are better than they. O Holy Mother, whatever is good in us, comes from your Son. You see His goodness in everyone. Make our hearts like yours, that we may see, and love, like You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we offer you our unworthy hearts. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame us with love for your Two Hearts wounded by sin. INDIFFERENCE Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is painful for You to find others with a lack of love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For he who loves Mary, loves You. The opposite of love is not hate. Hate is a passion very close to love and often part of it. The opposite of love is indifference and apathy. Indifference and apathy to the needs and cares of others. Help us never to feel indifferent and apathetic towards You, towards Your Holy Mother, towards our fellow creatures, for indifference is really a lack of love. Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we offer you our unworthy hearts. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame us with love for your Two Hearts wounded by sin. ENEMIES Sacred Heart of Jesus, You were concerned about the most sinful heart of Your enemies and the Immaculate Heart of Mary was aware of this. Despite their extreme cruelty to You, Your Most Holy Mother never harbored bitterness in her heart. Bless all the people who have been hostile to us. Forgive our anger with them, as we forgive their wrongdoing. Bestow Your blessing upon them for they need it as much as the rest of us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we offer you our unworthy hearts. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame us with love for your Two Hearts wounded by sin. REJECTION Sacred Heart of Jesus, You offer love and the world rejects You. Immaculate Heart of Mary, you show us the way to peace and we rebuff you. People pass you by. They are indifferent. Few think of you. Yet you think of them always. Your Holy Hearts are with each one in particular. When we feel a sense of rejection may we remember your own experiences and boundless love. Help us to realize that what matters is to love, rather than be loved. Encourage us to follow your example, encourage us to love, even though we may not be loved in return. Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we offer you our unworthy hearts. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame us with love for your Two Hearts wounded by sin. LITTLENESS Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary was humble, aware of Your littleness. It takes littleness to patiently withstand the insults, the abuse, hurled upon You. It takes littleness for an innocent man to accept the injustice of being condemned, tortured, and executed like a common criminal, by Crucifixion. It takes littleness to ask forgiveness for Your tormentors, Your executioners, for You saw that they knew not what they were doing. And, it takes the ultimate in littleness when You know that those who truly Crucified You are all of us sinners, and yet, You dwell in our hearts, waiting, hoping, longing for a flicker of recognition from each of us. Lord Jesus, with Your Merciful Love, forgive us. With the help of Your Dearest Mother, we will strive to follow in Your way of littleness. Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we offer you our unworthy hearts. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame us with love for your Two Hearts wounded by sin. OUR LOVE Sacred Heart of Jesus, we thank You for the warm glow from the flame of love in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Dear Jesus, Your Most Holy Mother is the bridge to reach You. She has gathered us together and we are in her heart. She asks but one thing of us: to love You, her Divine Son, with all our hearts. Love may begin in a moment, but is nurtured over many moments. Moments of courtesy, of respect. Moments of concern, of care, of love. May we add to these moments, the many moments in our life, devoted in loving prayer to Your Two Hearts. Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we offer you our unworthy hearts. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame us with love for your Two Hearts wounded by sin. CONCLUDING PRAYER Loving Father, we know that our faults do not cause You to withdraw from us because You love us. Unworthy as we are, we come to You with all our love. May Your love live in our hearts, and through us, may Your love radiate to others. May the Hearts of Jesus and Mary be consoled by our poor efforts at self-improvement. With the knowledge of our nothingness, we dare to plead with You that our unworthy hearts may be of some consolation to our Lord and His Most Holy Mother. We ask this through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. CONSECRATION AND NOVENA PRAYER (February, April, June, August, October, December) DIVINE LOVE SUFFERING Immaculate Heart of Mary, you suffered with the knowledge that the Sacred Heart of Jesus was hurt by our sins more than by the nails, the whips, the thorns, for what hurts your Son, hurts you too. Help us to regard suffering as a reminder of His Divine Love, a challenge, for when suffering is sent to us, it is an opportunity to prove our love for Jesus. If we suffer excessively it is only because we keep the burdens for ourselves. We must welcome the shoulders Jesus offers to lighten our burden. Help us to greet suffering, accept it when it comes, and with our love, transform it into concern for the suffering of others. Immaculate Heart of Mary, fill us with the divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with your everlasting love. WORTHINESS Immaculate Heart of Mary, you lived the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus since that holy night of His birth. To be worthy of the love of Jesus, we must earn the love and respect of others, for Jesus dwells in them. Worthiness is not bought, it is earned. One cannot possess it without carrying the Cross. Help us to be kind, help us to share, help us to accept love with gratitude and humility, for all love comes from Your Heart. Immaculate Heart of Mary, fill us with the divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with your everlasting love. PEACE Immaculate Heart of Mary, the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, provides peace in your most holy heart. We too feel His love when we find peace in our hearts. We do not deserve this peace while others are in turmoil, but recognize it as a gift and humbly thank You and beg You to give it to all who are now filled with anxiety and uncertainty. Immaculate Heart of Mary, fill us with the divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with your everlasting love. THE SINFUL Immaculate Heart of Mary, you know that the Divine Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is concerned even for the hearts of the sinful. In every heart, however corrupt it may be, there is always a little corner of blue sky. It is in this patch of blue, in this patch of goodness, that Jesus dwells. Many feel that heart is given over to evil, yet our Lord is there all the same. Without approving their conduct, we must respect their hearts, because of Jesus. And yet, the truly sinful are not the corrupt, not the criminals. The more sinful are the indifferent, the lukewarm, the blind. For there is no one so blind as those who do not wish to see. In their seeming righteousness, they are the most difficult to touch, the most difficult to move. Immaculate Heart of Mary, fill us with the divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with your everlasting love. THE CLERGY Immaculate Heart of Mary, you knew that all the Apostles had a special place in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The demands made on today's Apostles, the priests, the clergy, are difficult, are different, from what they are trained for. Priests do take Your place, but they are still men. Help us to see them as human and fallible, and not to be too hard on them. And on lonely nights, when all have gone home, leaving an empty church, when our priests sharply feel the sting of solitude, remind Your chosen ones, they are not alone, You are with them. Immaculate Heart of Mary, fill us with the divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with your everlasting love. LOVE Immaculate Heart of Mary, you joined your love to every thought, every word, every deed of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Your heart is tenderly joined in heaven to the love of Jesus to save the world. All sufferings of this world are an unappeased hunger, a hunger for love, Your Love. With Your Immaculate Heart, O Mary, and with Your Sacred Heart, Lord Jesus, we present your combined love, together with the precious blood You shed, dear Jesus, to our Loving Father, in reparation for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Immaculate Heart of Mary, fill us with the divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflame our hearts with your everlasting love. CONCLUDING PRAYER Loving Father, open our hearts to love. Let the fire of Your Divine Love enkindle in our hearts a genuine love for others. May the Hearts of Jesus and Mary be consoled by our poor efforts at self-improvement. With the knowledge of our nothingness, we dare to plead with You that our unworthy hearts may be of some consolation to our Lord and His Most Holy Mother. We ask You this through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. CONSECRATION AND NOVENA PRAYER Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate my entire self to the Most Holy Love of Your Two Hearts. I wish to make reparation for all the sins of the world, including my own. I offer these things for the love of the hearts of Jesus and Mary: I will keep my mind on beauty and turn my thoughts from evil things. I will hold my temper and bear the mistakes of others with love and a forgiving heart. I will admit when I am wrong and ask others to forgive me. I will not show off, but remain humble. I will offer up all my sufferings, sickness and hurts. I will seek God's Will, not my own. I will show appreciation for the kindness, the blessings, that I receive, and thank God for all things. I will do everything in my life for love of God. And, I will love others, as God has loved me. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, receive the offering and consecration I now make of myself to You. Keep me faithful unto death. Bring me one day to that happy home in heaven. I desire to live forever with God the Father and the Most Holy Spirit and You my Jesus, together with Your Most Immaculate Mother. AMEN. O Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, to your Holy Hearts do I come to beg for the infinite merits and graces that only God can give. Jesus, Your Sacred Heart is burning with love for me. I know that you love all of us so much. How often have we hurt You by our sin. How often have I put thorns into Your Holy Heart, by my sin. I am sorry O Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mary, your Immaculate Heart, loves each one of us as a child. Your heart too is wounded by the sin of the people. What people do by sin to the Heart of Jesus they do to you too. Your holy heart is so sad because people are indifferent to the love and mercy offered by Jesus. With your Immaculate Heart, O Mary, and with Your Sacred Heart, Lord Jesus, I offer your love with this prayer to our Heavenly Father, and through your Holy Hearts humbly request... (Petition) Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I shall never be able to thank you enough for loving me so much. I offer my love in return and hope that your Holy Hearts will find some joy in my poor unworthy heart. AMEN. "Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls" |